Youth leader! You’re busy. Your work is complicated. You barely get a moment to stop and think. The GAMEPLAN is here to help. This planner will help you to get your schedule, your big picture ideas, your prayer points and your dreams down in one place, and enable you to both organise your ministry AND get a regular top-up of challenge and inspiration.
This easy-to-use journal gives you space to record your week-by-week activities, and think about the broader vision of your work. It’s the only youth-ministry-focused, undated year planner and strategic workbook you’ll ever need. We hope you’ll love it.
What’s in The GAMEPLAN?
Open letters: From a wide range of people who love youth leaders. We asked them what they’d most like you to hear... the results are beautiful and inspiring.
Vision Exercises: Helping you to think through why you do what you do, and getting you to reflect on this as it evolves through the year.
Culture focus: Opportunities for ‘thinking about' how you’re addressing the subjects that young people actually want to talk about. (Source: Losing Heart research, 2016)
Character exercises: Giving you a chance to think and pray through your own spiritual formation.
Prayer reminders: For young people, your fellow leaders and your church community.
Social media ideas: Presenting a range of ways to engage with young people and their world online.
The Gameplan
A whole-year planner created especially for Christian youth leaders. Strategic and contemplative, it’s a new way to think, dream and pray through your ministry with young people.
Books, Training Resources
"Before you rush into your day, before you get into praying about or praying for – how about just sitting with him? Take time to share your heart with him, just as you would your closest friend. What are you loving, what are you dreading?"
Ali Martin (from her 'Dear Youth Leader' letter) Soul Survivor
"You are doing something useful with your life. I mean better than useful are encouraging young people to remember that they are hugely valued and loved by God. Blimey, that is up there as one of the most important things a human can do. I respect you almost as much as I respect a professional darts player."
Tim Vine (from his 'Dear Youth Leader' letter) Comedian
Suitable for: Youth leaders
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