Relationships aren't a game...but these cards about relationships engage young people in discussing the emotional, physical and social challenges of growing up.
Beginning conversations around sex and relationships with young people can be an awkward process. We know that for most teenagers relationships are a hot topic, and we know that they are often looking in unhelpful or unhealthy places for advice and support.
The Romance Academy playing cards provide a safe, easy way to start to open up that conversation. Based on a normal pack of playing cards, you’ll find 52 questions covering everything from ‘Great personality or great body?’ to ‘Could you imagine staying committed to one person for the whole of your life?’ and even ‘How would you explain sex to an alien?’
Each of the 4 suits represents a topic: Values, Choices, Dilemmas, and Sexual Health. It's a fun, accesible, intelligent resource to get teenagers talking about relationships.
Romance Academy Playing Cards
An ideal resource to facilitate healthy conversations around sex and relationships
Activity Resources, Games, Playing Cards
"My young people keep asking if we can get the cards out again, so that speaks for itself."
5-star review Premier Youth and Children's Work Magazine
"So good, I keep them in my work bag & took them along to a council youth project I’m part of. I pulled out these cards and had some amazing discussion with loads of young people. All I spoke to found the questions
understandable and were able to grapple with the issue so easily
and comfortably with the cards."
Judy Illingworth Youth Worker, Elim Connect Centre, Wells
"Using tried and tested games to break the ice is a great way in to allow young people to share what they think and to ask their own questions. In my experience it’s also a great way to show you’re not coming along with all the answers, but that you as a youth worker are open to those conversations."
Rosalind White Artist and volunteer youth worker
Take a look

Suitable for: 14-19 year olds
What's in the box?
- 52 playing cards, each featuring a discussion question
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