With you in Spirit?
What is the difference between physical and online work with young people? Practically? Theologically? Given by Revd Dr Sam Wells, the 2021 Youthscape/St Mellitus College Annual Lecture explored the dynamics of physical and online presence, something we've all had to wrestle with this past year. What is a theological understanding of being present with a young person online and how is it different to being physically present? Do we need a different understanding of presence and incarnational ministry to work online? What is the theological framework for engaging with young people remotely?
The lecture was followed by a discussion and Q&A with hosts Dr Phoebe Hill (Youthscape) and Dr Mark Scanlan (St Mellitus), and you can catch up on the whole event with this video download, which includes a transcript of the lecture.
Revd Dr Sam Wells has been Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields since 2012. He has served as a parish priest for 20 years – 10 of those in urban priority areas. He also spent 7 years in North Carolina, where he was Dean of Duke University Chapel. Sam is also Visiting Professor of Christian Ethics at King’s College London. He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. He has published 35 books, including works on Christian ethics, mission, ministry, scripture, liturgy, and preaching.
Video Download + Transcript | Youthscape/ St Mellitus Lecture 2021
Revd Dr Sam Wells explores the meaning and power of 'presence' in a time of socially distanced, online youth ministry .
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"The way to engage in community is not to say ‘In-person is deep and tangible and real, and online is superficial and trivial and disembodied’; it’s to say, ‘How can we learn to take part in online community in ways that expand, enrich and extend the capacity and quality of community as a whole?’ We’re never going to get a better chance to work on that than now."
Revd Dr Sam Wells 2021 Lecture
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