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Ys Store Isitok 61

Is it OK? We think this might be teenagers' most common unspoken question, especially when they've got a phone in their hand. Is it OK that she sent me that picture? Is it OK that he said that? Is it OK that they asked me to send those images? Is it OK if I share these with other people?

44% of girls and 32% of boys in England have engaged with sexting (STIR report). 27% of girls who sent explicit images said they did it because they felt pressurised to do so. Sexting is part of many teenager's lives. But how can we help them think about the dangers in a way that's appropriate, and which encourages young people to feel safe enough to talk about what really matters? We've partnered with acetUK to create a ground-breaking resource that does exactly that.

#isitOK? is a set of simple games that quickly creates deep discussion among young people. Each uses a set of cards that depict examples of images and texts sent by young people based on real life examples from Bedfordshire Police. The images have been recreated using mannequin dummies meaning they are appropriate to look at but still authentic. The games were developed and piloted with the help of young people and the result is a set of activities that quickly draws out the key issues.


#IsitOK? is a set of simple-to-play games, using carefully designed images and messages and ask is it OK to send and receive sexts?


Activity Resources, Games



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"Love the new sexting resource from acet UK and Youthscape. It will be a really useful for working with young people to help them talk about this very important issue."

Alison Hardy Wirral Youth For Christ

"They are very realistic to real life situations. It's good to have text message of people talking but not showing the images to demonstrate how wide the issue has become."

Fiona Chester Schools Christian Work

"Used the #IsItOK? resource by Youthscape tonight with my 14-18 year olds, great resource. Could have kept talking for hours!"

Steph Corris Youth Worker, Haywards Heath Baptist Church

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Getting Started

Sexting is a personal and sensitive subject. There's a reasonable chance of someone in a group having been involved in creating, receiving or passing on explicit images. The guide in #IsitOK helps you set the scene and create a safe setting for the discussion that's going to follow.

Game 1

Young people think about how they would respond to receiving a sext - either one of the 12 image cards or one of the 12 text cards. They choose between 'do nothing', 'tell someone' or 'respond or reply'. The game helps begin a discussion about what's appropriate and what isn't.

Game 2

Young people assume the role of characters, including the people in the photo, the senders, parents, teachers and police officers. The group discuss how each character might feel once the message has been sent and received, before deciding how to resolve the situation.

Game 3

Young people discuss the images and messages on the cards, deciding whether each one should be kept private, shared with a select few people or for public viewing. The discussions help teenagers consider the implications of sharing private and personal information with other people.

Dscf9210 Isitok

A creative, card-based resource, piloted and tested with young people, #IsItOK? is a simple-to-play game, using carefully designed images and messages which connect with young people's lived experiences and ask is it OK to send and receive sexts?

Suitable for: 14-19 year olds

What's in the box?

  • 12 image cards
  • 12 text message cards
  • a 12 sided dice
  • instructions for using the resource
  • information on sexting and the law
  • advice on safeguarding young people
  • discussion starters and topics



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