Examen your life
We know youth leaders want to incorporate theological reflection more in their work but find it hard to make time in the busyness of life. So, we wanted to create a practical tool, something already part of your day-to-day life, to help you engage with theological reflection! Enter the Youthscape Examug (Ex-ah-mug).
The Ignatian practice of the Examen is a way of prayerfully reviewing the day. It creates space for you to pause and reflect on your emotions and help you become more aware of God’s presence. We’ve used this tradition as the inspiration for the Youthscape Examug. A mug is a youth worker essential! It’s something that is in everyone’s workspace, if not often in their hand! So, every time you stop for a cup of tea or coffee, or just take a break from the day, you can look at the mug and notice the Examen questions on the side which prompt you to reflect on the day and reconnect with God.
The four questions to help you reflect are:
- Where has God felt most present today?
- Where have I felt most distant from God?
- Who or what should I be praying for?
- How do I feel about the day ahead?
Youthscape Examug
Enjoy a cuppa with this mug inspired by the Ignatian Examen prayer, designed to help youth leaders reflect on their day and connect with God.
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