Keeping Satellites a safe and healthy space for young people and everyone else on site is a priority for Youthscape.
All adults on site will need to have completed a satisfactory DBS check. If you are on the Satellites team we will manage that process as part of the application process that includes taking up references from your church leader. If you’re part of a group, your group leader must ensure a DBS check is carried out through your church.
Group leaders have clear responsibilities for the young people (and adults with care and support needs) who are part of their group. These are laid out on the group leader account page.
Youthscape are responsible for ensuring that the site is safe and secure and there are appropriate safeguarding policies that are clearly and consistently put into practice during the event. You can download the Satellites safeguarding policy here and the full Youthscape safeguarding policy here.
Alongside the Youthscape safeguarding team, we have a Safeguarding Advisor on site who will manage any safeguarding concerns related to incidents and individuals on site at Satellites and will work with the Event Director to ensure our policies and procedures are implemented at the event.
Contact us with any questions relating to safeguarding at Satellites by emailing us at hello@wearesatellites.com.