Week 19: Day 1
Can grief and joy co-exist? Join Aaron Nayagam this week as he takes us through the first two chapters of the book of James.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Intro: Hello, and welcome to orbit. My name is Aaron, and I'm part of the fusion movement. And I'm looking forward to taking you through each day this week with a short reflection that will help focus our attention on Jesus. And also just to see practically, how we can apply some of these things in our life. And today, we're going to kick off with James chapter one, verses two to four. So if you are able to grab your phone or a Bible and read along with me, but I'll read for us, and I'm reading from the NLT. And it says this:
Bible: Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Thoughts: Now, I don't know about you, when I hear the words of James, I'm challenged, looking at the world around us, and maybe the past 18 to 24 months, we've all gone through a lot. And when things are up against us a little bit, to look for moments of joy, in pain or in temptation, in failures in frustration, whatever that is, it's often difficult.
Now, this is has been very true for me and our family, looking back at the past year and a bit, went through a real loss, and lost a really close family member and had to journey with others close to me who had lost family, and people and maybe time and opportunities to celebrate. There's so many things that we're all grieving in some way. But not only that, there are things that we're facing on a day to day that is tough to navigate.
But when I read the words of James, there is a challenge, isn't there? Consider it an opportunity for great joy. Now, when I read those words, I I'm reminded of Jesus, who, on the way to the cross has a moment where he is in the Garden of Gethsemane. And he's talking to the father and he's saying, you know, what, father? Is there a plan B? Is there something else? And if it is possible, would you take this cup away from me. But then he says this, but not my will but let your will be done. And as I remember that, it also says in another part of Scripture that for the joy that was set before Him and the him being Jesus, He endured the cross.
And so when I think back to this moment and understand the joy that was before him, was you and me. Maybe in the moment of his greatest pain, and greatest suffering. The joy that Jesus felt was seeing yours and my redemption. So, what does this challenge mean to us?
Well, what does it look like in whatever it is that we're going through now that we would for a moment, lift our eyes up and see where Jesus is? Because I don't think what James is telling us is, well it doesn't matter what you're going through. It's irrelevant, just put it all to the side. And you know, Let's be joyful. I don't think that is the encouragement. I think the challenge is this. In the midst of real pain, joy can coexist in the midst of grief, joy can coexist. Now one of the things I've learned for myself and and for so many others close to me in this season is that those two things coexist together. So wherever you are today, whatever it is that you're going through, however it is you're feeling as you're watching this, can I encourage you for a moment now pause. Just breathe. Just acknowledge where we are. Because I think the God that we serve is willing to meet us where we're at. But not only that, as you are taking a moment and just reflect.
Challenge: I have a question for you to answer. Where is Jesus in your life today? Where do you see him at work? Because the only way for us to have pure and great joy in the midst of trial. And whatever it is that we're going through is our ability to see Jesus. Because the God that we serve isn't just the God of the mountaintops. He's the God of the valley too. So I'd love for you to do that today. Maybe take a moment, pause for a moment. Just sit in the silence.
Prayer: I'd love to pray for you. King Jesus, we thank you that our faith is being tested. And at times of frustration, pain, temptation and real grief in our lives, that we can be people of faith who lift our eyes up to you. And it's in seeing you God that we can have deep joy that comes from you. And as we read, it's that endurance fully at work within us, is what makes us for and complete and content ,content in who you are calling us to be today for everyone watching and for myself. Jesus, would you remind us where you're at work, that we would be filled with joy that does isn't unshakable. In your name we pray. Amen.
Outro: Well, that's it for obit today. I'll join you tomorrow with another devotional.