Exhibitor Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all organisations and individuals exhibiting or advertising at Satellites 2025
- 1.1. Applications must be received by Friday 6 June 2025.
- 1.2. All applications are seen as a request to exhibit in The Depot at Satellites. Youthscape reserve the right to decline your application at our discretion and without entering into a dialogue about the decision.
- 1.3. Youthscape aim to respond to all exhibition applications within 14 days of receiving a complete application.
- 2.1. Upon confirmation of your stand space, full payment is required to secure your booking. Upon confirmation of your booking. an invoice with payment details will be sent to the email provided and payment will be due within 30 days. If full payment is not received by the deadline, we reserve the right to sell the space to another applicant.
- 2.2. Youthscape reserve the right to withdraw any offer if payment terms are not adhered to.
- 3.1. All cancellations of exhibition space must be received by Youthscape in writing by emailing exhibitors@wearesatellites.com
- 3.2. If a cancellation is made more than 2 months before the event you will receive a refund minus 25%. Between 1 and 2 months before the event vou will be liable for 50% of the cost of the booking. Less than 1 month before the event you will be liable for 100% of the cost of the booking.
- 3.3. In the occurrence that Satellites is cancelled, all money will be refunded with 28 days of the cancellation.
- 3.4. It is entirely at Youthscape's discretion to cancel an organisation's booking at any time, prior to and during the event, and we are not responsible for any losses incurred.
- 4.1. All stands have a depth of 2m. Please ensure your stand fits in the space booked, extra space will be charged at the advertised rate if available. If no additional space is available and you are unable to stay in the space booked, you may be evicted from The Depot with no refund.
- 4.2. Your stand space will be marked out on arrival at the event, please note, there will be no shell scheme (walled exhibition structure) supplied, you will be responsible for providing your own display panels to fit in your area (we cannot guarantee your stand will be against a wall). No panels or structure can exceed 2 4m high.
- 4.3. Organisations can hire tables and chairs from us, and are responsible for providing all backdrops, banners, displays etc. for the stand. Stands, fittings and any material used must be fire retardant (in accordance with appropriate authorities and British Standard 5867 part 2). Appropriate certification will be requested.
- 4.4. Your stand space must be free of trip hazards including trailing cables, these must be removed or taped down.
- 4.5. Your stand must be free of packaging materials and rubbish must not accumulate within the venue
- 4.6 Fire exits and walkways must be kept clear and free of obstructions at all times
- 4 7. Before the opening of the exhibition and throughout the event. the Depot Manager will check each stand to ensure the safety of guests and team. Action will be taken where it is deemed necessary. Any concerns around Health and Safety should be directed to the Depot Manager who will make a further assessment.
- 4.8. At the end of the event, vour space must be left how it was found. No equipment, stand furnishings or rubbish must remain in this space.
- 4.9. Your exhibition stand must be manned at all opening times and no early departure is allowed except in extenuating circumstances. This must be agreed with the Depot Manager and/or Event Manager.
- 5.1. Power must be booked during the application process. The power supply is a double 13Amp socket.
- 5.2. All electrical equipment used on your stand must have a Portable Appliance Test (PAT) Certificate or have been purchased within 12 months of the event.
- 5.3. PAT Certificates must be brought to site and shown on request by the Exhibition Manager. The use of any equipment or appliance without a valid PAT Certificate will not be permitted on site.
- 5.4. Cables must not be 'daisy chained' under any circumstances.
- 5.5. Electrical items that pose a risk must not be used on stands i.e. kettles, portable heaters etc.
- 6.1. All organisations exhibiting at Satellites are required to have their own Public Liability Insurance with an indemnity of £5,000,000 per claim. A copy of your Public Liability Insurance will be requested on approval of your application.
- 6.2. Organisations are required to complete and send a Youthscape Fire and Risk Assessment document for the safe assembly and dismantling of their stand and all activities taking place.
- 7.1. It is your organisation's responsibility to ensure each volunteer or member of staff representing you is suitable to do so and is legally able to work in the UK.
- 7.2. It is your organisation's responsibility to ensure that vour staff are fit to work and are not displaying any symptoms of illness which could be contagious. Any member of vour staff with symptoms of Covid-19 or with vomiting or diarrhoea must be isolated immediately and the situation reported to the Depot Manager.
- 7.3. Exhibitors are required to wear event wristbands at all times; lost or replacement wristbands will be charged for.
- 7.4. All stand representatives must be 18 or over at the time of the event. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted in The Depot during set up and pack down.
- 7.5. Youthscape reserve the right to remove any person whose behaviour we deem to be inappropriate, where their behaviour may harm the reputation of Satellites or Youthscape or where their behaviour may be harmful to themselves, guests or team members.
- 7.6. During the event, Youthscape reserve the right to ask you to reduce the size of vour stand team if vou have too many people for the size of the stand booked and are causing disruption to other stands around you.
- 7.7. Members of vour team will be able to redeem up to two cups of tea or filter coffee per day from the café in the venue.
- 7.8. It is a condition of exhibiting at Satellites that you ensure all stand representatives are suitable to work with children and young people. All team members will be required to sign a safeguarding declaration prior to arriving on site
- 8.1. Where music is played from your stand, it must not be of a level to disrupt the stands around you. The Depot Manager has the right to stop music if it is seen to be a disruption to other organisations.
- 8.2. No announcements may be made with a microphone or other amplification device.
- 8.3. No signings or 'special appearances' without express permission from the Satellites team prior to the event. Please email exhbitors@wearesatellites.com to request this.
- 8.4. No food or drink may be given away or sold.
- 8.5. Any literature, resources and goods displayed or distributed on your stand must comply with the law and be free from any offensive or defamatory images, words or statements Youthscape reserve the right to ask you to remove immediately anything that we deem inappropriate, unsuitable or which may cause offence to delegates.
- 8.6. Stand space must not be 'sub-let', transferred, traded or shared with any other organisation.
- 8.7. Please be mindful of the printed literature you bring to the event, and consider whether there are more sustainable or environmentally friendly ways for sharing information with delegates. Leafleting outside of your stand area is strictly prohibited and the Satellite's team are within their rights to confiscate any materials that are being inappropriately distributed at the event.
- 8.8. Your stand representatives are not permitted to photograph or video any delegates in their stand area without the express written permission of the individual.
- 8.9. Satellites do not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means that any individual or group that uses Satellites and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. Satellites reserves the right to cancel any such person's or group's booking and escort them off the site at once.
- 8.10 In the case where your organisation's work is similar to our own, the details of any promotion must be agreed in advance with the Satellites team. We reserve the right to refuse those which we feel are prejudicial to our own ability to promote Satellites. For example, if a promotion offered undercuts the ticket and prices offered at Satellites.
- 9.1. Organisations are responsible for the safety, delivery, assembly, staffing, dismantling and removal of their stand and any materials used in their space.
- 9.2. Access to The Depot will be from midday on Tuesday 5th August for set up to commence, all stands must be fully erected by midday on Wednesday 6th August. Any stands not built by this time will not be permitted to open on the first day of the event.
- 9.3. Under no circumstances must stands begin being dismantled until The Depot is closed at 11pm on Sunday 10th August and the Depot Manager has given express permission for this to go ahead.
- 9.4. Anyone under the age of 16 is not permitted in the exhibition area during set up and pack down under any circumstances.
- 9.5 During pack down we expect everything to be removed from site including but not limited to posters and stickers. Any found on site after the event will be subject to a removal charge.
- 10.1. Main entrances to the venue will be locked when The Depot is closed, however Youthscape cannot guarantee the security in the venue.
- 10.2. Neither Youthscape or contractors brought in by Youthscape, are liable for any loss or damage incurred during the event.
- 10.3. It is your organisation's responsibility to ensure that you have adequate insurance to cover your stock, stand furnishings and any other items brought to site and that your stand team remove any valuables from your stand when there are no representatives on your stand.
- 10.4. Although we don't ask that stands are packed away fully when The Depot is closed, we would recommend all valuable and sensitive items are taken away during closed hours.
- 11.1. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you accept that we will have no liability for damage, or loss, directly or indirectly through Acts of God, explosions, floods, tempest, fire, accident,
- war or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, any acts, restrictions, regulations, bylaws, prohibition or measures of any kind on the part of an governmental, parliamentary or location authority, import or export regulations or embargoes, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving our employees or those of a third party) or any power failure whatsoever or howsoever caused.
- 11.2. Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions, we shall not be liable to you or any of your employees or representatives by reason of the provision of these Terms and Conditions or any representation (unless fraudulent), or an implied warrant, condition or other term, or any other duty at common law for any loss or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by our negligence, our servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with our exhibiting at the event, and our entire liability in any circumstances shall not exceed an amount covered by our insurance from time to time.
- 12.1. Advertising opportunities will be allocated at our discretion and not all applications will be accepted.
- 12.2. Upon confirmation that your application to advertise has been approved, the total cost will be due. An invoice with payment details will be provided and payment will be due within 14 days. Payments are non-refundable.
- 12.3. All relevant artwork must be submitted to Satellites by Friday 4th July 2025. Failure to submit artwork on time may result in all loss of all payments and advertising opportunities unless specifically agreed in writing by a member of the Satellites team.
- 12.4. All advertising must contain content that we deem appropriate to our audience (primarily young people and their youth workers), and must be of a high enough quality to be printed where required. If artwork submitted is unusable then we will make all reasonable endeavours to obtain usable artwork from you within what we deem to be reasonable timescales. If we are unable to obtain such artwork from you then we reserve the right to cancel your booking and no refund will be available. Satellites have the final sign off on any and all adverts shown at the event - including in print and on screen.
- 12.5. Adverts should not include a direct ask for financial giving, and must not give out phone numbers for donations via text.
- 13.1. This agreement and any disputes arising out of if or in connection with its subject matter are governed and construed in accordance with the law of England. The parties to this Agreement hereby irrevocably agree that the Courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement.
All information provided in these Terms and Conditions are correct at the time of issue. If any changes occur, we will update all exhibitors as soon as possible.