Code of Conduct
This refers to the collective term “team”. By this term we mean any adult on site who is not a paying delegate. This includes, but is not limited to; volunteers, staff, guests, volunteers, exhibitors and contractors.
At Satellites we take child safety very seriously. This means that we want all team onsite, whether volunteering, in paid employment or as a guest of Satellites to understand the nature of our ‘duty of care’ and what this means for their conduct when coming into contact with children and other vulnerable people. Our ‘duty of care’ is in part exercised through the development of respectful and caring relationships but also by all team members onsite taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of those they have responsibility for, particularly in relation to safeguarding them from sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Before individuals start working or volunteering in positions that have contact with children and vulnerable adults, they need to understand and acknowledge the responsibilities and trust inherent to their role.
All team members working in roles where there is contact with children and vulnerable adults are in positions of trust. It is therefore vital that all team ensure they do not, even unwittingly, use their position of power and authority inappropriately.
Team members should always maintain professional boundaries and avoid behaviour which might be misinterpreted. Any kind of sexual relationship between an adult and a child is never acceptable and if concerns arise in this area, this should be reported to Comms who will put the team member in touch with the relevant responsible person.
The trusting relationship between adult and child, young person or vulnerable adult means the adult should never:
- Use their position to gain access to information for their own or others’ advantage
- Use their position to intimidate, bully, humiliate, threaten, coerce or undermine
- Use their status and/or standing to form or promote relationships that are, or may become, inappropriate
Due to the nature of Satellites events, children and their parents/carers feel safe, and children may be given a lot more freedom than they would in other settings. They are therefore in a vulnerable position.
In the context of this environment everyone who carries out a role at any event is in a unique position of trust, especially in the eyes of a child. It is therefore possible, because of this position of trust, for someone to have unsupervised access to children whilst they are at the event (the definition of a child as far as Satellites is concerned is anyone under the age of 18).
The best way to protect the children we come into contact with at any event is by following good practices that promote and protect the safety of children and young people. These would include but not necessarily limited to:
- Not spending time alone with a child.
- Not putting yourself in a situation that may lead to allegations being made against you.
- Not maintaining contact with a child after the event without the knowledge of the child’s parents/legal guardians - if such contact is agreed with the parents/carers, it needs to be made clear that you are no longer acting on behalf of Satellites.
- Being vigilant - if you witness any behaviour by someone else at an event, whether a team member or a guest that causes you to be concerned about the welfare of a child, please come to Comms who will put you in touch with the relevant responsible person.
Anyone on site is also able to make contact with thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS) – an independent Christian charity which helps organisations protect vulnerable people from abuse – should they have any concerns whilst at an event. You can call the thirtyone:eight 24 hour specialist advisory helpline on: 0303 003 11 11
Volunteer Policy
What we expect from you as a team member:
- To perform your volunteering role to the best of your ability
- To meet agreed time commitments and standards
- To provide referees as agreed who may be contacted, and to agree to an enhanced DBS check being carried out if this is deemed appropriate for your role
- To abide by the policies and procedures of the setting that you are based in
- To familiarise yourself with all related policies and confirm by signature that you have understood them
- In the course of your volunteering you may come across confidential information about our organisation, our staff, our team members and our delegates. You must respect this confidentiality and not use the information for your own benefit or disclose the information, except where required or permitted to do so by law
- To follow the organisation’s procedures and standards, including safeguarding, health and safety and equal opportunities in relation to its staff, volunteers and customers
We may remove you from the team if any of the following are committed:
Note that this list is not exhaustive
- Gross misconduct or insubordination
- Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Theft of property or misuse of the organisation's equipment or materials
- Abuse or mistreatment of customers or co-workers
- Failure to abide by Satellites policies and procedures
- Failure to perform assigned duties satisfactorily or failure to meet physical or mental standards required for your role
- It is a condition that you have the right to volunteer in the UK, and that you tell us immediately if this ceases to apply. If you do not have the right to volunteer in the UK, Satellites will bring this agreement to an immediate end
Satellites will provide sufficient training for all team members serving at the event. This will include familiarising you with various policies and procedures. You will be made aware on how to locate various key documents and may also be asked to sign to confirm you have read and understood them. Your induction will also include meeting your team leader and the team you will be working with. You will be informed of what will be expected of you in the role that you are volunteering in and receive induction regarding the general layout and facilities of the site. Health and safety procedures for on site will be covered in your training and you will be given access to the current policy. If you have any concerns about health and safety procedures, you should raise them with your team leader.
You will be appointed a named person as your team leader whilst you are on team at Satellites. If you have any concerns about your role, you should initially direct them to your team leader. If the issue relates to them, or needs escalating, you may wish to speak to a member of the Satellites staff team – you will be able to get in touch with them via Comms.
By applying to a Satellite team you are agreeing to the following:
- I have read and understood the Satellites Code of Conduct and Volunteer Policy and agree to abide by this whilst at Satellites events.
- I understand when I am required to be on site from and until, and the hours I am expected to work daily.
- I certify that the information I have provided in this form and as part of my team application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.