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Our research community is for anyone interested in young people, faith, and research. Read on to find out more and to sign up to our mailing list!


The Youth & Faith Research Community is for researchers and research engaged / interested practitioners to share research and get feedback and advice, network with others with the goal of identifying where research is needed, critically reflect on key issues facing young people and any connected research gaps, identify other networks and groups with whom the community might co-create outputs with tangible actions for positive change. We come together via an annual gathering and have other opportunities throughout the year to connect and collaborate.

In 2025, we launched our Youth & Faith Research Community via our first annual gathering held in-person at Bute Mills, Youthscape. We had a fantastic time hearing from several individuals, with presentations ranging from emerging research ideas to the outcomes of particular projects. We also had the opportunity to hear from Dr Naomi Thompson, our keynote speaker, who shared on Young People in 2025: Seeking the Spiritual but Rejecting the Institutional? It was a fantastic launch to the research community and provided momentum for developing other opportunities for connection throughout the year.

Hannah Speaking

The research community was designed for those actively engaged in research in academic, private third-sector or faith-based settings (this is not an exhaustive or exclusive list!) and research engaged / interested practitioners to come together to learn, network, and collaborate. At the Youthscape Centre for Research, we believe that innovation in youth work, and sustainable change for young people, requires reflective, rigorous, and theologically grounded research. As a result, we are committed to learning from and collaborating with others who, like us, want to see positive change within youth ministry and young people’s lives through the power of the gospel.

If you are interested in joining us and hearing more about future events and ways in which we connect, please sign up below:

Sign up to the Youth & Faith Research Community

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