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You may have heard that fewer teenagers are engaging in underage sex, and it’s true.

In 2018 only a small fraction of 14-year-olds, about 1 in 30, said they had experienced 'heavy' intimate activity, which includes oral sex or intercourse.1 Other research provides comparable data and shows that in 2012 31% of 16-24-year-olds reported having had sex before age 16 (similar to the 2010 data in this chart)2 The drop began in the early 2000s, and has been accompanied by a significant reduction in under-18 pregnancy rates, which is a positive development (see Chart 2 in this section).

So, why is this happening? Well, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service suggests it could be a combination of factors.3 One might be the decrease in alcohol consumption among teenagers, which research has linked to sexual activity. Additionally, changes in how teenagers socialise and live their lives, thanks to the rise of digital technologies, could also be influencing these trends.

We’re seeing some significant shifts in the dynamics of teenage relationships, away from physical sexual interaction, and toward… well, watch this space!

Chart data source:

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