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Let's dive into some stats about family households, shall we? It might be a surprise to hear this, but for quite some time most young people have been growing up in homes with two married parents. Things have changed a lot since the 1980s when we saw a steady increase in households with one parent and households with co-habiting parents. But, this slowed significantly and has reached a plateau in the last decade.

In 2011, about 60% of households with dependent children were married. Jump forward to 2021, and that number bumped up slightly to 63%.

Here's where it gets tricky though – this data doesn't spill the beans on whether those married-parent households are made up of both birth parents or if there's a mix of birth parents and step-parents. So, while the overall picture might seem steady, there might be a lot more to the story when we start digging into the details.

Chart data source:

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