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It’s time for some heartwarming news: it seems like young people are forging stronger bonds with their parents. Over the years, there's been an increase in the proportion of young people who report getting along well with mums and dads.

Now, when it comes to talking things out, both genders have historically found it easier to chat with Mum. But that’s changing, with a slight but steady increase in both boys and girls saying they also feel comfortable talking to their fathers.1

And they’re not just getting along better with their parents, they're also opening up to them more frequently about important stuff. The number of young people who said they talk to their mum about things that matter to them ‘most days’ jumped from 35% in 2005 to 53% in 2014, and from 19% to 35% when it came to talking to Dads.2

So, it's not just about harmonious relationships; it's about communication too. Young people are reaching out to their parents more often and they're turning to Dads more than they used to.

Chart data source:

  • 1
  • 2

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