Research Project Pricing Guide
There are two ways to commission The Youthscape Centre for Research:
- If you just need a bit of guidance - If you are doing your own research project, evaluation or monitoring and just want a bit of advice/consultancy then after a free online chat to discuss your needs we charge an hourly rate of £50 for Research Team support.
- If you want us to design and run a full project (small or large!) we have a pricing framework below that will help you estimate how much you need to budget, we know that for many organisations that commission us you need to seek external funding to do so and hope this helps! We always offer a free online chat to discuss your needs so if you’re going out for external funding we can help you identify what the likely costs would be.
For commissioned projects Youthscape charges out for its research on a day rate. This is based on an estimation of how long a piece of work will take. In 2024 our day rates range from £200-£300 depending on the size and status of the commissioning organisation i.e. a small church or charity will be charged a day rate of or close to £200 whilst a large commercial organisation will pay £300. We will put forward a day rate after the initial consultation and it will be at Youthscape’s discretion.
To help you estimate rough costs we’ve given examples for small, medium and large projects (please note these are guides not rules, we will discuss with you which category we feel your project falls into for example it is possible that a numerically large project could fall into the small project category if it is simple data collection & analysis or a small project that runs over multiple years will incur similar total costs to a large project):
Small projects: e.g. simple online surveys with up to 500 existing users and/or a small number of focus groups/interviews or a small desk-based research project such as a short literature review or scoping document. Price guide range (without dissemination) from £1600-£5700
Medium projects: e.g. more complex surveys or qualitative data collection with new user groups or potential stakeholders or projects working with over 500 survey respondents or a more significant desk-based research project or literature review where we are covering multiple topics or research domains. Price guide range (without dissemination) from £2600-£10200
Large projects: e.g. where survey participant numbers are over 1000 or data collection methods are multiple, phased and/or complex and greater time and expertise is required for planning, analysis and interpretation. Smaller projects that run over multiple years may be more likely to fit within this price guide. Price guide range (without dissemination) from £5200-£20700
There is scope to reduce some of the costs if your organisation has capacity to take on some of the research e.g. creating draft surveys, conducting interviews or focus groups, inputting survey data. All this can be worked into your quote.

*these are guides for information only, individual quotes at Youthscape’s discretion will be given for each project and depend on the complexity of your project. Travel and subsistence will be quoted for separately, as will any additional project specific costs such as specialist software.
To get in touch to book your initial consultation or for further information please contact the Research Team on