Hearing about how God moved in the lives of those who attend Satellites is the real gold and, ultimately, what the event is all about. So, this week let's hear from the youth workers who poured so much into enabling their youth groups to meet with God!
As we said last week, at the Centre for Research, we are tasked with analysing the results of the Satellites feedback surveys from our three groups: volunteers, youth workers, and young people. As a result, we have the real honour of being able to read the testimonies of every individual who took the time to provide feedback about the event. We wanted to make sure some (because we wouldn't have space for them all!) of these are heard and don't just remain in a survey for us to see here at Youthscape. So, this week it is the turn of our youth workers!
This year we collected testimonies from 67% of the youth workers who completed the feedback surveys (79 individuals). It was so encouraging to be able to hear about the ways in which the youth workers had seen some real transformations in the young people they brought to Satellites, witnessed healings, prayed for young people, seen young people (re)commit their lives to God, and, amongst all that, had their own faith impacted too. How awesome.
So, without further ado, we asked 'do you have any stories (big or small) you'd like to share about coming to Satellites? We would love to hear about what you saw God do at Satellites and anything amazing that happened this week' and youth workers said:
“This week we had one young person choose to publicly say they believed for the first time. We had all our young people excited about sung worship, some of them dancing and laughing away. All our young people prayed out loud for the first time after being so encouraged to do so”
“The event provided the space for us as leaders to have some great conversations and times of prayer with our young people which were prompted by the Holy Spirit following the main meetings”
"We saw our young people worship freely, respond to the Holy Spirit and pray for each other. We did Orbit together in our group and then they would get together in small groups with a leader each day. We saw them grow in their relationships with each other as a result of this and it gave them an opportunity each day to reflect on the sessions and what God was saying"
"Two of our kids became Christian and many others changed their minds One of our kids broke up with someone after a very unhealthy relationship and was completely transformed and supported by God's love'
"Two of our young people recommitted their lives to God. Our leaders were impacted by the sessions also and we have all left feeling refreshed and with an increased desire to serve our young people well."
"Our young people met with God! At least 2 made first time commitments. Others encountered God again and were encouraged in their faith. A seminar and discussion with a speaker really helped one young person struggling with questions/doubts"
And, here are some of our amazing youth workers:

These testimonies speak for themselves - there's nothing else we need to say other than thank you to all the Satellites 2024 youth workers who gave so much time and energy to enabling their youth groups to attend, enjoy, and meet God at Satellites!
If this has inspired you to consider bringing along a group to Satellites 2025 - you can read more and sign up here.
We hope to see you next year and be reading one of your testimonies!