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Research is Out For Summer!

Hannah Bowden

31 Jul, 2024


Following Satellites, the research team is taking some annual leave over August. As we approach our extended break, we have taken the opportunity to reflect on the year so far and give you some teasers for what’s to come in September. Before you read on, we must take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for supporting The Youthscape Centre for Research. Have a great summer!


Here's quick summary of our 2024 so far:

  1. Supported internal research and evaluation (Launchpad, Youthscape Essentials, and Satellites)
  2. Launched and shared the findings of Feel Good News, the second Translating God report
  3. Started working with two external organisations on some exciting research
  4. Begun recruiting for a Translating God resource evaluation (read more here to see if you might be interested in taking part!)
  5. Continued our work on the Alban Way research project
  6. Attended various seminars and conferences including the Growing Faith Foundation and the CYM research conferences
  7. Met with our Research and Ethics Advisory Board (and kept them busy with ethics applications!)
  8. Sent out a monthly 'Research Bank' update to staff which provides a short summary of key pieces of research we have read that month
  9. Posted regularly on our social media platforms (you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn)
  10. Written regular blog posts
  11. Attended the Youthscape reading group (together we have read The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt)
  12. Featured on an episode of the latest Podcast series
  13. Published two volumes of The Story
  14. Created a free, downloadable resource for talking to young people about Politics

As you can see, it's been a busy but amazing few months for the research team and, to add to this, we are heading off to Satellites next week (if you're there too - come and say hi!).

What Can You Expect in September?

Upon our return, we begin three new projects:

  • The first is a research project which focuses on the development of a new worshipping community. This direct research is largely being carried out by the external organisation who has commissioned us but are excited to be offering research support throughout the process.
  • The second project, again for an external organisation, is larger-scale and seeks to map existing youth work, explore what it is like to be a young people in this space, and identify how young people can be further supported.
  • Our third piece is internal and, as noted above, looks to evaluate a Translating God Resource which guides youth groups through reading the Bible in an open, exploratory way.

In addition to this, we will be launching a new Research Community so, if you're a researcher, and would like to join us please look out for sign-up details on social media / email or get in touch via research@youthscape.co.uk.

Would You Like to Commission Us?

If, after reading all this, you would like to commission us, there are two ways to do so:

If you just need a bit of guidance - If you are doing your own research project, evaluation or monitoring and just want a bit of advice/consultancy then after a free online chat to discuss your needs we charge an hourly rate of £50 for Research Team support.

If you want us to design and run a full project (small or large!) we have a pricing framework below that will help you estimate how much you need to budget, we know that for many organisations that commission us you need to seek external funding to do so and hope this helps! We always offer a free online chat to discuss your needs so if you’re going out for external funding we can help you identify what the likely costs would be.

You can look through our pricing framework here and to get in touch to book your initial consultation or for further information please contact the Research Team on research@youthscape.co.uk.

Again, thank you for all your support, have a wonderful summer, and see you in September!


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