YS 20
Spiritual Experiments with Mark Scandrette
18 September 2017
Following the recent launch of 9Beats, Alex Drew hears from Mark Scandrette about spiritual experiments and why it's important for young people to experience spirituality.
The Youthscape Podcast is born. Join Martin Saunders and Rachel Gardner and a host of excellent guests as they wrestle with what it means to be a youth leader today.
18 September 2017
Following the recent launch of 9Beats, Alex Drew hears from Mark Scandrette about spiritual experiments and why it's important for young people to experience spirituality.
11 September 2017
Martin and Rachel catch up with another NYMW speaker over Skype. Nathan Dennis is a Birmingham-based youth worker with loads of exciting stories to tell...
4 September 2017
Dr Nick Shepherd joined the Youthscape team for chapel and breakfast so we interviewed him at the team meeting and recorded it for the podcast.
28 August 2017
A conversation with Jendella Benson inspires discussion between Martin & Rachel around how as youth workers we respond to teenage pregnancies and support younger parents.
21 August 2017
On today’s episode, Grace Wheeler from YFC drops in to chat with Rachel about evangelism and the journey of faith and discipleship for young people.
14 August 2017
This week, Paul Friend joins us all the way from Exeter to talk about rural youth ministry, with stories from Rachel and Martin's holiday adventures...
7 August 2017
Have you ever wondered what Martin and Rach were like at school? We find out when Emily Bosworth pops down from Leeds to talk Schoolswork...
31 July 2017
Vicky Piggott-Genge skyped Rach & Martin for a conversation about managing a busy youth and children's work programme at her church in Poole.
24 July 2017
This week, Rachel catches up with Ali Campbell for an in-depth look at family, discipleship and all age church, Martin unwraps the new, improved Shuffle.
17 July 2017
Rachel and Martin meet Karen Hornett, Youthscape's Finance Director for fundraising tips, youth work wisdom and 17 versions of the best laugh you've ever heard.
10 July 2017
Roving Rachel takes the YS Podcast on tour and finds Pete James and Christy Wimber in sunny Skegness. There’s some great wisdom and encouragement here.
3 July 2017
An introduction to one of the NYMW speakers; Tim Chaddick, as well as a chance to find out who really does own Martin's mum's biscuits.
26 June 2017
Engage Worship's Sara and Sam Hargreaves join Rachel and Martin for an insightful discussion on silence, personal spirituality and ornamental cabbages ahead of OpenMe. Naturally.