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Wellbeing. It’s a term we hear used a lot right now but what actually is emotional and mental wellbeing? And what practical measures can we put in place to nurture and protect young people's wellbeing when life’s challenges come? Here you'll find practical tools you can use with young people along with helpful articles and information.

Let's talk about loneliness

Helping Young People Set Healthy Boundaries

Autumn Wellbeing

Mental health hacks

What you need to know



Podcast. This week Martin chats to Dr Kate Middleton about why identity is so important for self-esteem.

Listen here



Podcast. Martin chats to Dr Kate Middleton about how youth leaders can help young people when it comes to failure and challenging perfectionism.

Listen here

Too much time online?

Too much time online?

Headstrong article. Ever wonder if you’re spending too much time online? Does the phrase ‘digital detox‘ send you into a full-on, heart racing panic?

Read article here

Helpful free tools and worksheets

The Emotions Wheel

The Emotions Wheel

Download a free copy of the emotions wheel as a tool to help young people identify how they feel


Explaining emotions

Explaining emotions

Headstrong article. Would we actually be better off without emotions or do they serve a purpose - and if so, why do they cause SO many problems?

watch video here

Create calm

Create calm

In life's busy times - whether frantic with good stuff or something a bit more difficult - how do you think clearly and do life well? Here's why we all need to create moments of calm.

Watch video here
