Wellbeing. It’s a term we hear used a lot right now but what actually is emotional and mental wellbeing? And what practical measures can we put in place to nurture and protect young people's wellbeing when life’s challenges come? Here you'll find practical tools you can use with young people along with helpful articles and information.
Let's talk about loneliness
Things to do when we feel a bit lonely
A helpful PDF for young people full of practical ideas for connection
Some thoughts on connecting
A short piece on what it can feel like to start a new friendship
Create a story
Creating story can be a great way for us to use creativity to create connection with charecters
15 things to do if you're feeling lonely
A fantastic piece of work by Mental Health Foundation for young people experiencing loneliness
Helping Young People Set Healthy Boundaries
What is a boundary
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Different types of boundary
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Why setting boundaries can be hard
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Setting Boundaries
This downloadable worksheet can help young people think through their boundaries
Working Out Our values
Use this worksheet to identify your values and help set new boundaries
Saying No
Learning to say 'no' can be an important part of setting boundaries
Autumn Wellbeing
Let’s talk about autumn and wellbeing (part one)
Here’s a few reasons that moving into Autumn can leave us feeling a bit ‘meh’
Let’s talk about autumn and wellbeing (part two)
Here’s a few reasons that moving into Autumn can leave us feeling a bit ‘meh’
Daylight Tracker
Downloadable PDF tracker to help monitor how much daylight you are exposed to this autumn
Sleep Tracker
Downloadable PDF tracker to help reflect on how much sleep you are getting right now
Water Tracker
Downloadable PDF tracker. A tool to help you monitor how much water you are drinking each day.
Mental health hacks
#1 Pause to take a breath
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#2 Make a gratitude jar
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#3 Eat lunch outside
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#4 Connect with someone
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#5 Feed the birds
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#6 Cloud watch
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#7 Switch notifications off
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#8 Try to drink more water today
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#9 Try something new
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#10 You time
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#11 Connect with nature
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#12 Random act of kindness
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#13 List 5 things you like about you
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#14 Journal your day
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#15 Have a sort out
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#16 Enjoy some music
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#17 Have some froooot
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
#18 Have a giggle
20 sec daily ways you can help look after your mental wellbeing
What you need to know
Top 5 apps to help a young person’s mental health
The Youthscape Mental Health Team review site of the best free mental health apps available
What you need to know about wellbeing
Here's a downloadable article all about what wellbeing is and how we can try and look after ours and the young people we support
The Psychology of Heartbreak
Relationship break-ups can be difficult at any age, but how can we offer support to young people as they navigate this for perhaps the first time?
Podcast. This week Martin chats to Dr Kate Middleton about why identity is so important for self-esteem.
Podcast. Martin chats to Dr Kate Middleton about how youth leaders can help young people when it comes to failure and challenging perfectionism.
Too much time online?
Headstrong article. Ever wonder if you’re spending too much time online? Does the phrase ‘digital detox‘ send you into a full-on, heart racing panic?
Bringing AWE some back!
In a season of wonder, how do we help ourselves and the young people we work with engage with awe?
Future Planner
A free worksheet to help a young person plan for the future
Helpful free tools and worksheets
The Emotions Wheel
Download a free copy of the emotions wheel as a tool to help young people identify how they feel
How to use an emotions wheel with young people
Helping young people to develop a language around their emotions is a key way to practically help them feel more in control
Colouring Sheets
Colouring sheets for when you need to take a break
Sleep Tips Worksheet
Downloadable pdf for young people listing a range of ideas to help them wind down at the end of a day and get ready for sleep
Feeling Low Worksheet
Downloadable PDF worksheet full of ideas young people can try to lift mood on days they wake up feeling low.
The Stress Bucket Worksheet
A downloadable worksheet to help young people understand how to understand and alleviate their stress levels
The power of Doodling (to support wellbeing)
Doodling can be a fantastic tool to help boost good mood, express ourselves and use our imagination to support our wellbeing
Creative Journaling
45-min session exploring ways to creatively journal- even if writing is not your thing
Colouring Sheets
Colouring sheets for when you need to take a break
What even is wellbeing?
Headstrong video. We hear a lot about wellbeing but what even IS it? And why should we care about it? Here's Kate to tell us more ...
Explaining emotions
Headstrong article. Would we actually be better off without emotions or do they serve a purpose - and if so, why do they cause SO many problems?
Create calm
In life's busy times - whether frantic with good stuff or something a bit more difficult - how do you think clearly and do life well? Here's why we all need to create moments of calm.
Control freak
Headstrong video. We're designed to have a level of control but how do we know when we're going too far?
Creative Journaling
45-min session exploring ways to creatively journal- even if writing is not your thing

Understanding Anger

Youthscape Dice

Shuffle: Mindset (Second Edition)
( £12.99)

Understanding Anxiety