Exam Anxiety
Exams may be an inevitable right of passage for most young people, but they can be daunting. The pressure of these few short weeks- where years of learning are put to the test in just hours, can feel hugely overwhelming. It’s normal for young people to head into this time with a range of questions and concerns and anxiety. So how can we help support them?
What you need to know
Managing Exam Anxiety
45 min session for young people offering practical tips and advice around managing the pressure of exam time.
15 ways to support YP through exams
The pressure of exam season can be overwhelming for young people. Here are 15 ways youth leaders can offer support
Exam Support- Self-care
1-min video for young people around the importance of self-care during exam season
Exam support- grounding
1-min video for young people around grounding- a great technique you can learn to bring yourself back into the present
Exam support- Rhythm
1-min video for young people around how finding rhythm on exam days can help us feel more prepared and in control
Exam support- Afterwards
1-min video for young people on things to do (and not do) straight after an exam