Anxiety & Stress
The last few years have seen a significant increase in anxiety levels and diagnosable anxiety disorders in young people. But how as those supporting young people can we better recognise, understand, and respond in a helpful way? We hope this section gives you lots of practical ideas.
Prayer In Motion - Anxiety (Pack of 10)
The Brave Journal
What you need to know
What you need to know- anxiety
Here’s a downloadable run through of all things you may need to know when working with a young person struggling with anxiety
What you need to know- Social anxiety
What is social anxiety and why is it so problematic for young people. Here’s a run through of identifying an issue and how to help
Your anxiety is not a flaw
Great article by Will Van Der Hart from Mind & Soul Foundation around faith and anxiety.
All about anxiety (Part 1)
Headstrong video. Why do we feel anxiety, what is it for and how do you feel less of it. Kate answers some questions we’ve had in all about anxiety.
All about anxiety (Part 2)
Headstrong video. In the second part of our series, Kate explains three tips for getting rid an anxiety flare up.
All about anxiety (Part 3)
In part three of our series all about anxiety, Kate explains what causes panic attacks and how to deal with them.
Managing Exam Anxiety
A 45min YouTube chat with the Youthscape mental health team full of tips on how to regain control over your anxiety.
Joy Draws Anxiety
Headstrong video. Joy shows us how drawing can help us understand and work through our anxiety.
How to Ace Anxiety
Headstrong video. No-one likes feeling anxious, but what if it isn’t as bad as it feels? Here’s some tips on how to ace your anxiety.
Better breathing
Headstrong video. We all know that breathing is important, but did you know that the way you breath can help calm you down when you’re stressing out?
Managing Anxiety While Chasing Your Dreams
CBeebies Gemma shares how she overcame anxiety when everything in her life changed- at the same time she started her dream job.
I Wrote My Way out
Victory talks about struggling with anxiety when she was a teenager and how journalling helped get her through.
Perfectionism and Failure
Will Van der Hart from Mind & Soul Foundation chats to us about why perfectionism can be dangerous
15 ways to support YP through exams
The pressure of exam season can be overwhelming for young people. Here are 15 ways youth leaders can offer support
Learning to be Brave in the Face of Anxiety
This time we'll be looking at some key steps you can take to feel braver around managing anxiety (we'll also be introducing you to the brand new Brave Journal!).
Resources on anxiety

First Steps out of Anxiety

Downloadable worksheets
The Stress Bucket Worksheet
A downloadable worksheet to help young people understand how to understand and alleviate their stress levels
Anxiety Worksheet
A downloadable worksheet full of ideas young people can try to release anxiety when they feel it building up inside.
Exam self-care planner
A downloadable self-care planner for exam season
Take your thought to court
A downloadable worksheet to help young people challenge negative thought patterns
Challenging negative thoughts
A question based worksheet to help young people challenge negative thoughts
Reflective questions
A practical worksheet to help young people reflect on their anxiety
Self-care planner 1
A practical worksheet to help young people think about self-care for anxiety
Self-care planner 2
A practical worksheet to help young people think about self-care for anxiety
Self-care planner 3
A practical worksheet to help young people think about self-care for anxiety