Anger may not be a mental health issue, but it can be a difficult and powerful emotion that young people can struggle to know what to do with. Here you will find a series of videos and resources to help you better understand how to work with a young person who is finding anger an issue.
What you need to know
How can I control my anger?
Jenny and Juls explore some practical tips for getting your anger back under control.
3 things if anger is about to explode (part 1)
Headstrong video. Ever felt like you’re seriously about to lose it? Then here’s some tips you could try.
3 Things if anger is about to explode (part 2)
Headstrong video. Learning to hold and manage feelings of frustration can be a great tool in keeping your cool
3 Things if anger is about to explode (part 3)
Headstrong video. How to get stuff out of your head rather than letting it build up.
It's okay not to be okay
Headstrong video. How do we open up and show vulnerability about what’s going on and the things we’re struggling with?
Brought up amidst destruction
Headstrong video. Gavin talks about how early trauma and neglect left him angry at the world, and what it's taken for him to face his past.

Rage, Despair & Hope

Understanding Anger