Youthscape Innovators – an opportunity to collaborate with Youthscape on upcoming innovation projects!
Youthscape Innovators – an opportunity to collaborate with Youthscape on upcoming innovation projects!
Have you ever looked at Youthscape resources and wondered how theywere developed? Or used some Youthscape products with your group and
wanted to feedback on how the young people interacted with the
content? Well - have a chance to see Youthscape’s creativity in action and
get involved in the development process as a Youthscape Innovator.
The Youthscape Resources and Innovation Team are recruiting
individuals to help form a resource testing lab. One of the most valuable
steps in the Youthscape innovation process is piloting. The reaction and
feedback from piloting is essential to making a product that genuinely
meets the needs of young people and youth leaders. The youth groups
who pilot new projects are the unsung heroes of resource development
and we need you to be part of that content shaping process!
What is required of you as a Youthscape Innovator:
Youthscape Innovators will test out two new resources and help us
evaluate one recently launched product each year. We’ll send you the
product and then it’s over to you! Run it with your youth group, see how
it goes and ask young people for their opinion. Then let us know what you
think works, what could be done better, and how the group found it
overall. Your comments will directly impact the final content and design
of the resource and will help make those products the best they can be.
This is a voluntary role to run alongside the youth work you are already
How do I get involved:
As part of the sign up process, we’re asking youth leaders to fill out a brief form letting us know a little bit about yourself, the young people you work with and your context. We’ll schedule a zoom call to chat through everything with you and then you will be invited to join our community of collaborators where you’ll undertake a short training session outlining the kind of feedback we’re looking for and letting you know about upcoming projects. For every resource you test, we’ll gift you a copy of the printed product of that resource when it launches.
Long term, we would love Youthscape Innovators to be involved allaspects of the innovation process, not just the end stages. Our hope is for
Innovators to join with us as we uncover new opportunities for resource
development and get stuck into our creative thinking process as we
brainstorm new ideas.
Youthscape’s best resources have been influenced by real youth leaders
and young people and we’d love you to join us in shaping future projects.
Sign up today