Friendship and Wellbeing
Our friendships can have a huge impact on our wellbeing and whether we feel supported. We wanted to use this page to explore different issues young people may come across in their relationships with others
Let's talk about loneliness
Things to do when we feel a bit lonely
A helpful PDF for young people full of practical ideas for connection
Some thoughts on connecting
A short piece on what it can feel like to start a new friendship
Create a story
Creating story can be a great way for us to use creativity to create connection with charecters
15 things to do if you're feeling lonely
A fantastic piece of work by Mental Health Foundation for young people experiencing loneliness
All about friendships
How is friendship good for us?
Mini series of videos on friendship for young people
So, what does good friendship look like?
Mini series of videos on friendship for young people
Spotting signs of unhealthy friendships
Mini series of videos on friendship for young people
How do we navigate conflict?
Mini series of videos on friendship for young people
How to be a good friend to others
Mini series of videos on friendship for young people
Make a friendship bracelet
Step-by-step guide to making friendship bracelets
Helping Young People Set Healthy Boundaries
What is a boundary
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Different types of boundary
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Why setting boundaries can be hard
Three part video series to help young people think through their boundaries
Setting Boundaries
This downloadable worksheet can help young people think through their boundaries
Working Out Our values
Use this worksheet to identify your values and help set new boundaries
Saying No
Learning to say 'no' can be an important part of setting boundaries