What does it mean to be BRAVE in a world which is unpredictable, complex and often challenging?
How do we equip and enable young people to manage the things they find tough so that they can dig deep and grow confident, resilient and ready to step into the adult world?
BRAVE is a free library of downloadable resources from Headstrong - a Youthscape project supporting young people's emotional wellbeing online, whilst resourcing those who work alongside them. BRAVE is here to help YOU as a leader to feel equipped to have good conversations with young people around some of the key topics (GIANTS) they are facing right now. Here you will find all you need to create bespoke sessions where young people can process and ponder the challenges they face and find confidence to get through them.
But BRAVE is also about helping YOU to understand your experiences after the pandemic. Below you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you reflect a bit on the impact this time has had upon you and offer some practical ways to process that.
At its heart, BRAVE is about empowering you and your young people to recognise and release inner strength and capability, build confidence and resilience to help you (and them) to stand tall against the GIANTS life so often brings up.